Garage Organized!

This picture is so therapeutic to me.  Maybe I have problems, haha- but sigh... it's so lovely! It's clean and stuff isn't all over the ground as it was before. 

Now that it is summer, my hunger for order and organization has gone into hyper-mode. Maybe its because life is feeling a bit chaotic with all the kids home and even though I love it, it is a lot to handle!!!

This month, my friend just started helping me organize and will come twice a month for a trade we are doing. It is a life-saver because on my own, I don't feel I could muster the energy to tackle some of these projects with all the kids home. Woohoo! Any progress is awesome!!! 

Additionally, I have been doing a lot of donating and making decisions on what stuff is truly necessary. Less clutter does wonders to feel in control of things and makes it easier to clean. Woohoo! I can do this and so can you!! Even if the stuff was expensive in the first place, it is not doing you any good to just take up room on your shelves. Just think how happy someone else will be when they find it for cheap at a second hand store. 

Decide what you actually use and then donate, donate, donate the rest. I deliver donation load at least every other week to stay on top of things and always keep a donation box going in my garage. I keep a few sentimental things yes, but mostly I just say a little prayer of gratitude for the item and then let it go. 🎶 You can do it too my friend!

It may even curb your appetite to shop in the first place (as it does for me) knowing, I may be getting rid of it in a couple months.



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